Call for papers

The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (AJIntS) invites researchers to submit papers for our inaugural publication. AJIntS is looking for research that explores the possibilities of interdisciplinary research, pushing the boundaries of disciplines while demonstrating innovative applications of research methodologies.
AJIntS looks for both qualitative and quantitative work, as well as research rooted in a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, history, psychology, biology and political science. Because we believe that inclusion and equity are integral to improving scientific research, AJIntS seeks to shift the current publishing paradigm by democratizing the publishing process.
AJIntS removes artificial barriers to publication by publishing sound research by new, established, and independent academics. The journal employs a blind peer review process that focuses solely on the quality of the research--the validity of methods and the soundness of conclusions--not on the perceived impact of the findings; we think that all research, if sound, can contribute to academic efforts and, in a broader sense, human knowledge as a whole.
AJIntS is also committed to a quick submission process, with a rolling publication timeline. Moreover, AJIntS is committed to the public availability of scholarly research. All AJIntS articles will be available through our graduated open access system. This system ensures that research is available to all who wish to view it without charging the authors any publishing or open access fees. For more information, or to submit a manuscript, visit our submission center found here.